Our Purpose

At Ranchin’ Vets, we are committed to a veteran’s overall well-being.

Our Mission

The mission of Ranchin’ Vets is to assist in the reintegration of veterans from military to civilian life through a variety of programs offered within the ranching and agricultural industry.

Our Story

Inspired by family that served in the military, Corey and Kevin Downs co-founded Ranchin’ Vets to be a resource for veterans transitioning out of the military. Kevin witnessed the challenges that our veterans are faced with upon returning from combat when his brother came home from multiple deployments to Iraq post 9/11. Simultaneously, Kevin worked as a seasonal ranch hand at a cattle operation in Northern California where he experienced the peace and tranquility that came at the end of a hard day’s work. It was then that the concept of Ranchin’ Vets was created.

Ranchin’ Vets was born on the idea that managing livestock is one of America’s oldest traditions, one which embodies the spirit, pride, and perseverance of the American people. The job of an American cowboy is not as glamorous or romantic as our society depicts, yet there is something sacred about this lifestyle. Ranching requires sacrifice, love, faith, and an uncompromising work ethic. Nobody better understands what has been sacrificed for this great land than a veteran, and nobody is better suited to care for her. ​

“I spent my summer breaks from college working on a ranch. At the end of everyday when the sun was going down and the fog was rolling in I would drive my four-wheeler to the top of the hill, turn off the engine and just listen. All I could hear was the sound of the cows ripping the grass from the earth. It was incredibly peaceful. We want to share an experience like that with our veterans”
— Kevin Downs, Co-Founder

our program

The goal of our Operation Hire A Vet Program is to assist veterans through the process of seeking employment or training opportunities within the agricultural industry through our online Veteran Community, which is an exclusive tool available to veterans who successfully complete our registration requirements.

This Veteran Community features an Ag Job Board which shares available agricultural job opportunities throughout the country, as well as a Resource Library that gives our veterans information and priority access to agricultural training programs through our partnership with Armed to Farm.

Veterans who are employed in the agricultural industry are eligible to receive a stipend designed to assist with housing, clothing and transportation expenses associated with their agricultural employment. This stipend is issued bi-weekly for up to six months and is paid directly from Ranchin’ Vets to the veteran. Our hope is that this financial support will assist our veterans during their transition.

We encourage veterans interested in pursuing a career or job opportunity in agriculture, or any veteran that is newly employed in the agricultural industry to register for our Operation Hire A Vet Program!


We are thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with Armed to Farm to share information about agricultural training programs for veterans. In addition to their series of webinars and other virtual workshop series that they offer, Armed to Farm hosts several in-person training courses throughout the year in cities across the country.

As noted on their website, farmer veterans learn how to run a successful business and market their products, how to access USDA resources, set business goals, and develop meaningful mentorships with seasoned farmers. 

Farmer veterans who complete a training series stay connected to their peers and often develop ties to other farmers, increasing their ability to succeed. These farmer veterans have access to individualized technical assistance and one-on-one consultations, in-person networking events and virtual learning opportunities.

This week-long course is fully funded for veteran candidates who are approved through Armed to Farm, and Ranchin’ Vets is now offering transportation stipends to cover expenses getting to and from the training sessions.

If you are a veteran interested in this agricultural training opportunity, check out the Armed to Farm training dates and apply accordingly. Once your application is approved by Armed to Farm, you will receive information about the respective training.

By completing the registration form below, in addition to submitting your request for an Armed to Farm transportation stipend, you will gain access to Ranchin’ Vets exclusive Online Veteran Community where we share links to our Ag Job Board that features agricultural job opportunities throughout the country as well as our Veteran Resource Library. We encourage you to utilize this tool for networking and ongoing support.

You can read more about our partnership with Armed to Farm in our joint press release here

our Measures of Success

  • Through Ranchin’ Vets exclusive online Veteran Community, the veteran registered in our program is provided with monthly agricultural employment and training opportunities across their geographical region

  • The veteran in our program actively engaged in the reintegration process and successfully participated in a meaningful agricultural opportunity

  • The veteran gained purposeful knowledge and hands-on experience through participation in our program

  • The veteran benefitted physically and/or emotionally from their participation in our program

  • The veteran is provided with ongoing access to a growing agricultural network and veteran support resources to assure their future success 

  • The flexibility of the veteran’s position in the agricultural industry provided the ability to explore a career interest or enroll in a trade school, community college or university, broadening their career opportunities

  • The veteran sought guidance and support from members and veterans serving on our board of directors.

It doesn’t event feel like work, and the flexible schedule allows me to work around my classes while I work to pursue my degree in engineering.
— Justin H., USMC (R)

Our board members have completed the courses and requirements through the Psych Armor Institute which has helped us build on our commitment to effectively engage with the Military-Veteran community.
